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Recreation Centers
Status: Open
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Recreation centers and programs are operating on a normal schedule.
- Reimagine Recreation and Parks
- Strategic Plan 2024 to 2028
- CivicRec Booking Platform
- Capital Projects and Improvements
- Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan
- Oregon Ridge Master Planning Process
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Facility Highlights
The Department of Recreation and Parks upholds our purpose and goals through our mission, vision, and values.
To provide programs and places that celebrate and build community through innovative, sustainable and inclusive recreational opportunities, partners and facilities.
To provide high quality, diverse and accessible programs and services and facilities that enhance the quality of life for all ages, cultures and abilities throughout Baltimore County.
We are “ready to serve!”

- Respect
- Equity
- Accountability
- Diversity
- Yes to Innovation
- Sustainability
- Engagement
- Responsive
- Visionary
- Excellence
The Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks in 2024 earned the prestigious accreditation of the National Recreation and Park Association’s Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA).
Accreditation is a sign to residents that the Department is responsibly and fairly managing taxpayer funds and other resources to deliver the highest level of service, inclusive parks and modern initiatives.
The Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks is one of only 214 agencies from the more than 10,000 eligible agencies nationwide to earn this mark of excellence.
Read news highlights below.
- Summer Camps and Programs—Baltimore County’s popular summer camps and drop-in programs are open for registration via the CivicRec online catalog.
- Now Accepting Job Applications—We are hiring for summer seasonal positions at our beaches and fishing center, including lifeguards, cashiers and managers.
- COVID-19 Memorial Art Installation Now Open—The memorial overlooks the waters of Lake Roland and features a pathway, gathering circle, prayer millstone, inscribed mending wall, seating and memorial mound with plantings.
- Input Requested on Randallstown Project—We are requesting public input on the future library and recreation center at 8212 Liberty Road in Randallstown, including holding two public input meetings in November. Feedback may be submitted to libertyroadproject@baltimorecountymd.gov.
- Mentorship Program Wins Statewide Award—The Department's youth mentorship program—Help Empower Youth to Advocate and Lead (HEAL)—received a statewide award from the Maryland Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA) that recognizes the program’s innovative delivery strategy.
- Newest Regional Recreation Activity Center Debuts (RAC)—The new Rosedale RAC focuses on recreational, social and wellness opportunities for residents and is a countywide e-sports destination for all ages.
- County Celebrates Opening of Meadow Creek Park in Pikesville—The four-acre community park provides a tranquil walking destination for the Pikesville community and preserves much-needed green space along Church Meadow Creek. The design and amenities are the result of extensive community and stakeholder input.
- Department Receives Prestigious CAPRA Accreditation—The Department earned accreditation by the National Recreation and Park Association’s Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA), the only national accreditation of park and recreation departments.
- County Celebrates Completion of Hazelwood Skate Park—This one-of-a-kind project features two large concrete bowls for skaters and bikers of various levels along with a custom skate plaza and two covered pavilions. It is part of a broader vision to enhance recreational spaces for many different activities.
Upcoming events
Explore all upcoming Recreation and Parks events.
Benefits of Recreation and Parks
Just as water, sewer and public safety are considered essential public services, Recreation and Parks is vitally important to establishing and maintaining the quality of life in a community, ensuring the health of families and youth, and contributing to the economic as well as environmental well-being of a community and a region.
Access to parks and recreation facilities leads to healthy lifestyles for people of all ages and ability levels. According to studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, creating, improving and promoting places to be physically active can improve individual and community health and result in a 25 percent increase of residents who exercise at least three times per week. Just a moderate amount of physical activity has a significant impact on mental health as well, offering a decrease in stress, anxiety, anger and depression. With 216 parks in the Baltimore County system, 43 community facilities and over 82 miles of trails, we aim to help our residents and visitors stay happy and healthy.
Parks are key community contributors when it comes to addressing the effects of climate change or preserving natural habitats. Parks and protected public lands are proven to improve water quality, protect groundwater, prevent flooding, improve the quality of the air we breathe, provide vegetative buffers to development, produce habitat for wildlife and provide a place for children and families to connect with nature and recreate outdoors together.
Parks and Recreation facilities are powerful engines of economic activity. Parks improve the local tax base and it’s proven that private property values increase the value of privately-owned land the closer such land is to parks. This increase in private property value due to the proximity to parks improves local economies. In fact, quality parks and recreation are cited as one of the top three reasons that business cite in relocation decisions in a number of studies.
Universal access to public parks and recreation is a right, not just a privilege. Baltimore County Recreation and Parks enhances social equity through providing facilities and programs accessible to our community members regardless of income, race, age, and ability. Parks have a value to communities that transcends the amount of dollars invested or the revenues gained from fees. They provide a sense of public pride and cohesion to every community. The Recreation and Parks team commits and cares about the presence of social equity in our community and recognizes the importance of demonstrating that value every day.