Community Clean-up Program
The Community Clean-Up Program is not accepting applications at this time.
The Baltimore County Community Clean-Up Program allows communities of 50 households or more to host bulk trash events—sometimes called "dumpster days"—to collect trash that is not normally picked up for curbside collection. If your event is approved and if sufficient funds are available, the County will subsidize the cost of renting roll-off dumpsters. Only one clean-up event per fiscal year (July through June) is permitted for each community association or clean-up area.
Select a Location and Date for Your Event
Find a suitable location to hold your event within the boundaries of your community. The location must:
- Be available from 7 a.m. to noon on the Saturday you plan to hold your event
- Have enough space for the number of dumpsters your community requires
Your organization must have written permission for use of the location from the authorized agent of the property. If your community would like to place containers on Board of Education property, you must obtain written permission from the public school system.
Find an Approved Contractor
In order for the County to approve and subsidize your event, you must contact an approved waste management firm to provide dumpsters. View the list of County-approved firms and the procedure for selecting one.
Submit Your Application One Month Before Event
When you have requested permission to use a location and scheduled an approved contractor, complete the Community Clean-Up Application. You must:
- Submit your application at least one month before your event
- Attach written permission allowing use of the location where the dumpster will be placed, if applicable. The Bureau will accept applications before written permission has been obtained, but written permission must be received by the Bureau prior to the event
- Include documentation explaining the reasons for not using the lowest bid vendor(s), if applicable
- Provide a list of restricted items, such as electronics or tires, that you wish to transport to the landfill in a non-commercially marked vehicle at no charge (question nine on the application)
Applications can be emailed to or faxed to 410-887-2931. They can also be mailed to:
Bureau of Solid Waste Management
Attention: Community Clean-Up Program
111 West Chesapeake Avenue, Room 211
Towson, Maryland 21204 -
Promote Your Event Properly
Don't publicize your event until you receive approval for your event from Baltimore County. Once you receive permission, you may advertise within your community—for example, by distributing flyers or advertising in the community newsletter. Don't publicize your event in general-circulation newspapers.
The event must be open to all residents within the community boundaries, regardless of whether they are paying dues. The event organizer is not to require residents to be association members to participate.
Monitor Your Event
Your community organization is responsible for:
- Reviewing the disposal regulations so that you are aware of the items that can and cannot be disposed of in the landfill and those that require pre-approval
- Any additional costs incurred by the hauler due to delays, wasted trips or rehandling of prohibited or contaminated items discovered by the contractor or the landfill
- Monitoring the site and loads of refuse at all times on the day of the clean-up
- Ensuring that containers are not filled above the sides
- Making sure the contractor removes the containers from the location promptly to discourage illegal dumping
The contractor may refuse to remove any containers that are overfilled or filled with an unacceptable type of waste.