January 1, 2025 – Council District 5
- EPS Variances
- Planning Board Meetings
- Design Review Panel Meeting
- Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board Meeting
- Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting
- Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
- Department of Planning "The Grant Writing Game: Insider Tips and Tricks" Workshop
- Land Preservation Landowner Outreach Event
- Stream Restoration Planning
- Update on the Restoration Effort in Parkville
- Sewer Project Perry Hall Manor
- Bird River and Bengies Sewershed Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation
- Red House Run Structural Sewer Rehabilitation
- East Branch Herring Run Relief Sewer
- Development Meetings and Zoning Hearings
EPS Variances
The Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) publishes a list of the environmental administrative variance requests along with their status. The requests are listed by County Council District.
Information: EPS Variances for District 5
Planning Board Meetings
The board will meet as follows:
- Thursday, January 16, at 4 p.m.—Planning Board Meeting with Capital Improvement Program Presentation
- In-person in the Jefferson Building Hearing Room, 105 West Chesapeake Avenue, Room 104, Towson, Maryland 21204
- The County Executive will deliver a presentation of the Capital Improvement Program.
- Thursday, January 16, at 5:30 p.m.—Planning Board Capital Improvement Program Subcommittee Meeting
- In-person in the Jefferson Building Hearing Room, 105 West Chesapeake Avenue, Room 104, Towson, Maryland 21204
- Capital Improvement Program presentation by the Department of Public Works and Transportation
- Tuesday, January 21, at 5:30 p.m.—Planning Board Capital Improvement Program Subcommittee Meeting
- Virtually through Webex
- Capital Improvement Program presentations by the Department of Recreation and Parks, Property Management, and Baltimore County Public Library
- Thursday, January 23, at 5:30 p.m.—Planning Board Capital Improvement Program Subcommittee Meeting
- Virtually through Webex
- Capital Improvement Program presentations by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability, the Office of Information Technology, and the Department of Planning
- Thursday, January 30, at 5:30 p.m.—Planning Board Capital Improvement Program Subcommittee Meeting
- Virtually through Webex
- Capital Improvement Program presentations by Baltimore County Public Schools and Community College of Baltimore County
Please check the Planning Board page for the meeting agenda, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Krystle Patchak by phone at 410-887-3482 or by email at kpatchak@baltimorecountymd.gov.
The panel will meet virtually on Wednesday, January 8, at 6 p.m. through Webex. Please check the Design Review Panel page for the meeting agenda, a link to the meeting, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Jenifer Nugent by phone at 410-887-3480 or by email at jnugent@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board Meeting
The advisory board will meet in-person on Wednesday, January 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agriculture, 1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030. Please check the Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board page for the meeting agenda, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Land Preservation staff by phone at 410-887-3480 or by email at landpres@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting
The commission will meet virtually on Thursday, January 16, at 6 p.m. through Webex. Please check the Landmarks Preservation Commission page for the meeting agenda, a link to the meeting, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Historic Preservation staff by phone at 410-887-3495 or by email at histpres@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
The Board of Recreation and Parks will meet virtually on Wednesday, January 8, at 6 p.m. through Webex. Please check the Board of Recreation and Parks page for the meeting agenda and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Lisa Winters by phone at 410-887-3810 or by email at lwinters@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Department of Planning "The Grant Writing Game: Insider Tips and Tricks" Workshop
The Department of Planning has contracted with the Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations (MANO) to coordinate a series of workshops with funding from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Workshops are for organizations that are ARPA-eligible who are serving an impacted or disproportionately impacted class or population from the pandemic, or who serve those in an ARPA-impacted area. Other organizations are welcome to attend.
On Tuesday, January 14, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., join the department and MANO for an interactive workshop designed to equip you with the skills and strategies needed to craft compelling grant proposals that capture funders' attention and secure crucial funding for your projects. Preregistration required; to register for the Grant Writing Game: Insider Tips and Tricks workshop, visit the Zoom page.
Information: Browse the Baltimore County Capacity-Building Initiative hub site or contact Amy Menzer by email at amenzer@baltimorecountymd.gov or 410-887-7955.
Land Preservation Landowner Outreach Event
The Baltimore County Land Preservation Program, in partnership with the Baltimore County Land Trust Coalition, is hosting a Land Preservation 101 landowner outreach event on Friday, January 24, 2025, from 8 to 10 a.m., at the Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agriculture, 1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030.
If County schools are closed or delayed, the event will be held Friday, January 31.
Information: To register, please call 410-887-3480 or email landpres@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Stream Restoration Planning
The Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (DEPS) is in the early stages of planning a stream restoration in Nottingham. Our consultant is assessing the stream from Ferguson Drive to Silverwood Court, approximately 6,200 feet of stream. The consultant will be looking for areas of instability, opportunities for stormwater BMPs, and exposed infrastructure, such as sanitary sewers, water lines, electric lines and poles, etc. This assessment will help to narrow down the scope of the work and identify areas where a restoration is not needed. This project will take two to three years to design and DEPS will present plans to the neighbors and neighborhoods at the appropriate design phases. Common designs include limited tree removals, use of wood and stone to stabilize the stream bed and banks, and a comprehensive native landscape planting, including trees, shrubs, meadow flowers, and grasses.
Information: Contact Eric Duce, DEPS Project Manager, by phone at 410-887-2904 or by email at educe@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Update on the restoration effort in Parkville
The Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (DEPS) has commissioned BayLand Consultants and Designers to design a stream restoration along a tributary to the Lower Gunpowder River. The restoration will restore approximately 3,465 linear feet of eroded and degraded stream banks and beef up protection for the sanitary sewers. This project extends from behind 2500 Lampost Lane, continues under Proctor Lane and ends at approximately 200 feet upstream of Waltham Woods Road. This restoration will include native instream materials such as various-sized stone, logs, and root-wads, as well as out-of-stream floodplain and riparian native plantings. The design will take between two and three years, and instream construction is planned for one season.
Information: Email Eric Duce, DEPS Project Manager, at educe@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Sewer Project Perry Hall Manor
The Department of Public Works and Transportation is connecting 104 homes in the Perry Hall Manor area in a long-term project to provide sewer service. In September 2022, residents saw topographical and environmental surveyors gathering information for the design phase. The surveyor work has been completed for the moment, though more field work is anticipated. Construction is expected to begin within two years, and take from one to one and a half years to complete.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Bird River and Bengies Sewershed Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation
There is more than five miles of small- and large-diameter sewer relining in this project costing $3.6 million. The work is 99 percent complete.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Red House Run Structural Sewer Rehabilitation
Baltimore County has started a major sewer rehabilitation project consisting of almost 15 miles of sewer line in the Overlea and Rosedale areas. Work on the $4.7 million project began in June 2022. It's approximately 98 percent toward completion. The Red House Run Structural Sewer Rehabilitation project is part of the County's Consent Decree—the County’s agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to improve the entire sanitary system and eliminate sanitary sewer overflows.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
East Branch Herring Run Relief Sewer
Baltimore County has started a major relief sewer project consisting of installing 11,232 linear feet of eight-to-36-inch sanitary sewer main at a cost of $16.1 million dollars. The project limits start at the Baltimore City line at Perring Parkway to Taylor Avenue and east beyond the Harford Park community. The project is 97 percent complete.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Development Meetings and Zoning Hearings
Development Meetings include Community Input, Concept Plan, County Review, Development Review Committee and Hearing Officers Hearings.
Zoning Hearings include Special Exceptions, Variances and other issues before the Office of Administrative Hearings of Baltimore County.
These meetings are virtual through Webex.
Please check the Development, Zoning Hearings and Meetings Calendar for links to the meetings, information on participating in the virtual meeting, the meeting agendas and any last-minute schedule changes.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391 or email paizoning@baltimorecountymd.gov. You may also contact the Office of Administrative Hearings at 410-887-3868.