Enterprise Zones Tax Credit
Businesses in the County's three Enterprise zones—North Point, Southwest or Federal Center at Woodlawn—that expand or add employee are eligible for both County and Maryland tax credits.
Enterprise Zones are an important tool to encourage redevelopment in older industrial and office areas. Since their creation, the zones have spurred the expansion or relocation of 160 businesses. Companies have invested over $300 million in real property improvements and $270 million in machinery and equipment, creating 3,000 new jobs.

Use the maps below or the My Neighborhood Interactive Map to determine what properties are within Baltimore County Enterprise Zones. The interactive map allows users to search for properties, view the zoning, view aerial photography, create custom printable maps and obtain owner information. (Upon your first visit to My Neighborhood, you will be directed to download a one-time Silverlight plug-in directly from Microsoft. If you use Apple OS X, download the Silverlight plug-in manually.)
- North Point Enterprise Zones Map
- Southwest Enterprise Zone Map
- Federal Center at Woodlawn Enterprise Zone Map
Read about business benefits within Baltimore County Enterprise Zones. Businesses in Baltimore County may download and apply for eligibility for County and Maryland Tax Credits.
Send the completed application:
Enterprise Zone Coordinator
Baltimore County Department of Economic Development
Historic Courthouse, Suite 100
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Phone: 410-887-8030
Fax: 410-887-8017
Email: businesshelp@baltimorecountymd.gov