Sandy Hills Skate Park

- Skate Park
- Baltimore Highlands
This skate facility features an "old school" large concrete skate bowl and a street course.
Rules and Regulations
There is no fee for use of the County's skate parks. Skateboarders and rollerbladers that wish to use the facilities must follow the established rules and regulations. Infractions of the rules may result in the loss of skating and skateboarding privileges.
- Skate at your own risk.
- Park is open from sunrise to sunset. No loitering after facility is closed.
- Skating and skateboarding is at your own risk.
- All skaters and skateboarders must provide their own skating equipment.
- Safety equipment must be worn at all times. This includes a helmet, knee and elbow pads. Closed toed high-top non-slick shoes, gloves, wrist braces and hip pads are encouraged, but not required.
- Any and all types of bikes and scooters prohibited in the fenced area.
- In the event of an emergency or injury, all skaters and skateboarders must discontinue skating until further directed by County staff.
- No food, beverages or smoking allowed in the fenced area.
- No destroying or defacing public property.
- Skaters and skateboarders must follow the direction of the County staff at all times. County staff's decision is final.
- Recklessness, horseplay, foul language, not listening to County staff or any inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, and will subject you to removal from the park.
- County staff reserves the right to limit the number of skaters and skateboarders using the facility to prevent overcrowding.
Learn More
For information regarding expansion of skate parks, programs and events, visit the Baltimore County Skateboard Council website or the Baltimore Highlands Community Recreation Office.