Bid Result Legal Disclaimer
All bid prices are reflected in U.S. dollars. The bid result information is provided prior to evaluation and review thereof by the County. Accordingly, the apparent low bid indicated in each bid result may not necessarily be the awarded bid based upon requirements of the County Code, County Purchasing Manual, and specific bid criteria, including but not limited to, bidder's responsiveness and determination as to being a responsible bidder.
County business is conducted in the public interest and most information relating to purchases is available upon written request.
The County has attempted to provide the most current and correct information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in this reporting and the information provided may occur. Baltimore County disclaims any responsibility for errors, including but not limited to, typographical errors and/or for accuracy of the information that may be contained herein. Baltimore County also reserves the right to make changes to the information provided at any time without notice. Baltimore County makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, or adequacy of such information and data.