Department of Recreation and Parks

- Recreation And Parks Office
- Cockeysville
Current Operating Status
September 14, 2020 9:22 AM
To assist in keeping staff, volunteers, participants and residents safe and minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Department of Recreation and Parks will be following all State Executive Orders related to youth sports activities. All Department of Recreation and Parks buildings are closed to the public until further notice.
Open to the Public
Basketball courts
Note: Park capacity is still limited. Groups should be 10 or less, and everyone should practice social distancing. Masks are required for bathroom use with limited occupancy. Showers are still closed at this time.
Comfort stations
Community gardens
Note: Some community gardens may not have water or be prepped at this time.
County parks
Disc golf courses
Dog Parks
Fields and diamonds
Golf courses
Horseshoe pits
Open space
Picnic areas
Pickleball courts
Recreational fishing
Note: Outdoor accessible restroom facilities will be opened in conjunction with scheduled permitted activities and as regular need demands.
Skate Parks
Note: In an effort to keep our members safe, we ask that skaters wear masks, practice social distancing and that there are less than 10 skaters at a time in the park.
Tennis courts (indoor and outdoor)
Turf fields
Closed to the Public
Portable toilets
Water fountains
The Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks, with support from the Maryland Food Bank and Healthy Food Access St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, is offering limited food distribution for families. Find more information.
For information regarding weather cancellation policies, please review our inclement weather policies.
Grab-and-Go Recreation Program
Grab-and-Go Recreation is a free program providing various activities such as fitness, sports, arts and nature. Grab your materials and go to the park. Grab your materials and go outside. Grab your materials and go be active!
Show off your work by sending in your pictures and videos of the activities and projects to or the Department's Facebook page.
If you are in need of the materials for the challenges, please contact us and we will make arrangements to get them out to you. Supplies are limited.
During this Time of Social Isolation, Every Child Matters
The Department of Recreation and Parks, along with the Police Department, is very concerned about children who may be suffering from child abuse in this time of social isolation. We recognize that families being confined to their homes may make abusive situations worse and may limit victims, parents and others from being able to report abuse outside of the home. We are committed to continuing to provide life safety and investigative services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Police Department Crimes Against Children Unit can be contacted at 410-853-3650.
If you are the victim of abuse or you suspect that a child is the victim of abuse, or have any questions, please contact Department of Social Services at 410-887-TIME (8463). More information can be found through Social Services' Protective Services for Children and Child Advocacy Center.
If you are reporting an emergency involving child safety or abandoned children, call 911.
The Police Department also partners with:
Greater Baltimore Medical Center, 443-849-3323
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 24-hour hotline, 1-800-843-5678
About the Department
Established in 1949, the Department of Recreation and Parks is dedicated to providing quality recreational and leisure opportunities to the citizens of Baltimore County. Thousands of recreational programs, including individual and team sports, arts and crafts, social clubs and activities, and special events are provided through a cooperative effort with volunteer Recreation and Parks Councils throughout the County.
Hundreds of Parks, Recreation Centers and Facilities
The Department is responsible for acquiring, developing and maintaining a wide range of parklands and open spaces as well as recreation centers, nature centers and other specialized facilities.
A joint use agreement with the Baltimore County Board of Education and Baltimore County Public Schools also provides for the dual use of class public schools as community recreation centers.
The Board of Recreation and Parks
The basic concept of the Board of Recreation and Parks is to help local communities through the local Recreation and Parks Councils, help themselves in meeting their recreation and park needs, and to provide recreation direction only where wanted and where people indicate a desire and willingness to help themselves. The Baltimore County Board of Recreation and Parks meets the second Wednesday of each month unless otherwise noted.