Days Cove Park Site

- Natural Areas

The Days Cove Park Site is mostly wooded and presently undeveloped. The park was acquired in three parts, with all purchases funded through Maryland's Program Open Space grant program. The most recent park additions have paved the way for the site's development as a woodlands-based disc golf course.
This timeline is estimated and will be reassessed as design and permitting progress.
- April 24, 2023—Virtual Public Input Meeting
- View the presentation.
- Watch the recording.
- August 15, 2023—Department of Recreation and Parks Presentation at Bowerman-Loreley Beach Community Association meeting
- August 2023—Design consultant purchase order issued
- September through December 2023—Due diligence phase
- January 2024—Design development initiation
- May 23, 2024—Concept design shared with public
- August 2024—Expected design development completion
- September 2024—Expected final design completion
- October 2024 through March 2025—Expected bid and procurement phase
- April 2025—Estimated construction start
- Fall 2025—Estimated construction completion
The Days Cove project is advancing through the design development phase, with thorough environmental reviews and collaboration underway. The park site concept was released to the public on May 23.
The concept reflects public feedback indicating a preference against a walking path, to position the parking lot as far north as feasibly possible within the design parameters and to locate the course at a distance from neighboring parcels and residences.
The Days Cove Disc Golf Course is a proposed new 27-hole disc golf course with parking access off of Allender Road. The parking lot is strategically located to provide safe ingress and egress, allowing for maximum sight distance along the roadway, as well as a central location between the beginners' course (nine holes) and the intermediate/advanced course (18 holes). Its location also avoids the steeper topography as you head west on Allender Road.
The 27 holes take maximum advantage of the useable land, allowing for a more sustainable layout and to avoid environmental constraints such as steep slopes, stream buffers and wetlands. The disc golf design consultant has designed a course that maximizes woodland views and has allowed room in the low-laying northwest corner to buffer the course from existing commercial developments with additional setbacks and new landscape screening.
Email with questions or comments regarding the Days Cove Disc Golf Course project.