Wilkens Precinct: New Construction
In the summer of 2025, Baltimore County will break ground on a new Wilkens Police Precinct. As construction gets underway on the 34,000-square-foot, new public safety facility, the existing precinct building will remain open and continue to serve the community. The older building will be demolished upon the completion of the newly-constructed building. The new, community-centered precinct will modernize public safety services. The new precinct represents an investment in community policing and especially the recruitment and retention of officers.
New Precinct Features
The two-story, all electric building will include:

40-seat community room—Will be available for members of the community and Department to come together and share ideas.
Memorial garden
Welcoming public lobby
Several sustainability features:
Access to electric vehicle charging stations in the public parking area
High-efficiency HVAC system
Recycled materials
Reduced heat island effect
Rooftop solar panels that produce renewable energy
Water use reduction features