April 15, 2022 - Council District 2
- EPS Variances
- Planning Board Meetings
- Ribbon Cutting for Boat Launch Pier and Deck at Loch Raven Fishing Center
- Baltimore County Master Plan 2030
- Alley Construction Coming
- Pedestrian Study for Pikesville
- Water Line Construction on Falls Road
- Development Meetings
- Zoning Hearings
The Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) publishes a list of the environmental administrative variance requests along with their status. The requests are listed by County Council District.
Information: EPS Variances for District 2
The board will meet virtually through Webex as follows:
- Thursday, April 21, at 4 p.m.
Please check the Planning Board page for links to the meetings, information on participating in the virtual meeting, the meeting agendas and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Krystle Patchak by phone at 410-887-3482 or by email at kpatchak@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Join us for a ribbon cutting ceremony at Loch Raven Fishing Center. In time for the 2022 boating season, Baltimore County has completed the replacement of the boat launch pier and deck. Repairs were also made to the rental boat pier and existing paths. These improvements allow the public to further enjoy Loch Raven Reservoir. This event will take place on Friday, April 22 at 11 a.m., with special guests County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Councilman Wade Kach, and Roslyn Johnson, Director of Recreation and Parks.
Loch Raven Fishing Center is located at 12101 Dulaney Valley Road, Phoenix, Maryland 21131.
Baltimore County’s Master Plan 2030 provides the vision and strategies for growth over the next 10 years into a modern, 21st century county. We invite you to be a visionary. Visit the Master Plan website and join to stay informed and find out how you can bring your ideas to the table about growth, development and conservation.
Information: Browse the Master Plan 2030 website or contact the Department of Planning at masterplan@baltimorecountymd.gov.
During the first week of March, Baltimore County began constructing three alleys in Pikesville for residents on Howard Avenue, Colonial Road and Salem Court. The construction (which will be 2,840 feet long and will cost $293,074) began on Colonial Road. That portion of the project is about 50 percent complete. All three alleys should be finished by the summer. During alley construction, residents will be notified about temporary changes to trash and recycling collection.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
The Pikesville Pedestrian Study, which was on hold because of COVID-19, has been moving forward. Data collection for the study, which is assessing pedestrian conditions and developing designs to accommodate walkers, drivers and cyclists, resumed in early October, following the confirmation of synagogue service traffic by the consultant Wallace and Montgomery. The completed data, along with the consultant’s recommendations, was delivered in early December for review by traffic engineers who have completed the Pikesville Pedestrian Study. Recommendations have been categorized into short-, medium- and long-term solutions. They are being reviewed to determine feasibility of costs and implementation.
Information: Questions should be directed to the Division of Construction Contracts, Department of Public Works and Transportation at 410-887-3531.
The Department of Public Works and Transportation will replace more than 11,000 feet of water line on Falls Road between the Baltimore City line and Brightfield Road, near Interstate 695. The project, which will cost approximately $10,500,000, has begun with preliminary test pits. It will require approximately two years to complete. The replacement of the line—sections of which are more than 90 years old—will improve the reliability of the system. Much of the construction will be done between 9 a.m. and 5 a.m., and ingress and egress will be coordinated with (and provided for) all property owners. Falls Road will not be closed during construction, but there will be some lane closures during the day to accommodate construction schedules. Falls Road carries about 18,000 cars daily. There will be traffic delays.
Information: Questions should be directed to the Division of Construction Contracts at 410-887-3531.
Development Meetings include Community Input, Concept Plan, County Review, Development Review Committee and Hearing Officers Hearings. These hearings are up-to-date as of the publication of this newsletter and subject to change.
Information: Call 410-887-3321.
There are no Development Meetings scheduled at the time of publication of this newsletter. Please visit the Development Management Calendar for changes in District 2.
Zoning Hearings include Special Exceptions, Variances and other issues before the Office of Administrative Hearings of Baltimore County. These hearings are up-to-date as of the publication of this newsletter and subject to change.
Zoning Hearing—4 Hollins Avenue
Date and Time: Monday, April 18, 10 to 11 a.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0025-SPHA
Location: Northeast side of Hollins Avenue, north of West Lake Avenue, 9th Election District
Legal Owners: Arnon and Robin Heller Family Trust
Special Hearing to allow an office in an existing accessory structure (garage) in lieu of the required primary residence. To allow a full bath and kitchenette inside an accessory building (existing garage to be renovated as office/guest room). To allow an indoor shower (full bath) and kitchenette inside an accessory building (pool house). For such other and further relieve as may be deemed necessary by the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) for Baltimore County.
Variance to permit a dwelling addition with a rear yard setback of 19 feet in lieu of the otherwise required 40 feet Baltimore County Zoning Regulations (BCZR) 400.1: To permit an existing accessory building (garage) to remain with a zero-foot side and rear yard setback in lieu of the otherwise required 2.5-foot setback to the property line. For such other and further relieve as may be deemed necessary by the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) for Baltimore County.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 230 056 89123.
Join the meeting online.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391.
Zoning Hearing—1809 Reisterstown Road
Date and Time: Monday, April 25, 10 a.m. to Noon
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0031-SPHA
Location: East side of Reisterstown Road, north of Hooks Lane, 3rd Election District
Legal Owners: Woodholme Properties, LLC
Special Hearing to amend the order and site plan approved in Zoning Case 2010-0363-A.
Variance to allow a total of 384 off-street parking spaces in lieu of the required 593 parking spaces.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 231 460 54559.
Join the meeting online.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391.
Zoning Hearing—10927 Falls Road
Date and Time: Tuesday, April 26, 10 to 11 a.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0032-A
Location: Northeast side of Falls Road, southeast of West Seminary Road
8th Election District
Legal Owners: Melissa and Gary Becker
Variance to permit an accessory structure (swimming pool) to be located in the side yard in lieu of the required rear yard placement.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 231 334 27048.
Join Meeting Online
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391.
Zoning Hearing—2002 Ridgeway Avenue
Date and Time: Wednesday, April 27, 10 to 11 a.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0034-A
Location: Northeast side of Ridgeway Avenue
3rd Election District
Legal Owner: Andrew Rosenberg
Variance to permit a proposed accessory building (garage) located in the side and front of the property in lieu of the required rear yard only and with a height of 30 feet in lieu of the maximum height of 15 feet.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 230 106 67897.
Join Meeting Online
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391.
Zoning Hearing—406 Main Street
Date and Time: Wednesday, April 27, 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0043-X
Location: Southwest corner of intersection of Main Street and Glyndon Trace Drive
4th Election District
Legal Owners: 406 Main Street, LLC
Special Exception for a Class B Office Building in an RO zoning. For such other and further relief as may be deemed necessary by the Administrative Law Judge for Baltimore County.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access code: 231 867 47136.
Join Meeting Online
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391.
Zoning Hearing— 2A Stone Garden Court
Date and Time: Thursday, April 28, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2021-0015-SPH
Location: North side of Stone Garden Court, west of 90 feet to the centerline of Church Road
4th Election District
Legal Owners: Alex and Olga Keselman
Special Hearing to approve the Fifth Amended Final Development Plan Rider Mill Property to permit the creation of a total of three residential lots (one existing and two new).
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 2304 000 2198.
Join Meeting Online
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391.