July 15, 2022 - Council District 1
- EPS Variances
- Planning Board Meetings
- Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
- Recreation and Parks Board Screen on the Green Summer Movie Series
- Baltimore County Master Plan 2030
- Cedar Branch North Fork Relief Sewer
- Water Main Replacement on Johnnycake Road
- Sewer Rehabilitation in Catonsville
- Water Main Replacement on Maiden Choice Lane and Kenwood Avenue
- Lower Powder Mill Interceptor Rehabilitation
- Washington Boulevard Water Main
- Powder Mill Relief Sewer
- Development Meetings
- Zoning Hearings
The Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) publishes a list of the environmental administrative variance requests along with their status. The requests are listed by County Council District.
Information: EPS Variances for District 1
The board will meet virtually through Webex as follows:
- Thursday, July 21, at 4:30 p.m.
Please check the Planning Board page for links to the meetings, information on participating in the virtual meeting, the meeting agendas and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Krystle Patchak by phone at 410-887-3482 or by email at kpatchak@baltimorecountymd.gov.
The Board of Recreation and Parks will meet on Wednesday, July 20, at 7 p.m. in the Baltimore County Public Schools Greenwood Administration Building E, Room 114, 6901 Charles Street, Towson, Maryland 21204. Please check the Board of Recreation and Parks page for the meeting agenda and any last minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Lisa Winters by phone at 410-887-3810 or by email at lwinters@baltimorecountymd.gov.
The Department of Recreation and Parks invites you to one of our beautiful parks for a free Summer Movie Series, running now through Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Bring your friends, family, blanket, bug spray and picnic basket for a night out in one of your favorite parks. All locations are accessible and screenings can be shown with subtitles by request. Please check the Department of Recreation and Parks Upcoming Events for a full schedule including dates, times, locations and scheduled screenings.
Baltimore County’s Master Plan 2030 provides the vision and strategies for growth over the next 10 years into a modern, 21st century county. We invite you to be a visionary. Visit the Master Plan website and join to stay informed and find out how you can bring your ideas to the table about growth, development and conservation.
Information: Browse the Master Plan 2030 website or contact the Department of Planning at masterplan@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County began work in February on the Cedar Branch North Fork Relief Sewer located in the area of Johnnycake Road off of Rolling Road. Construction of the 5,200 feet of 12-inch diameter pipe, costing approximately $3.4 million, will take 14 months. The project is about 32 percent complete.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County is replacing 11,500 feet of eight-inch water main on Johnnycake Road south of Interstate 70. Preliminary work began in October. It is 45 percent complete. Crews have installed a bypass. Completion is expected in approximately two years. The cost is $3,152,179.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County is rehabilitating more than 60,000 feet of sanitary sewer line in Catonsville. Work started in late August and is about 70 percent complete. The cleaning and lining project, which is expected to be finished before the end of next year, will cost $4 million. Crews from the County's contractor (SAK Construction) will be working in the neighborhood east of North Rolling Road and south of Baltimore National Pike (Route 40) in the heart of Catonsville. Residents can expect some minimal short-term disturbance as the work proceeds and might be asked to move parked vehicles or reduce their waste water discharge for a few hours while sewer pipes are being relined.
Information: Call the Bureau of Engineering and Construction at 410-887-3531.
Baltimore County is replacing 7,000 feet of failing cast-iron water main on Maiden Choice Lane between Kenwood Avenue and Wilkens Avenue, and on Kenwood Avenue between Maiden Choice Lane and Wilkens Avenue. The new 12-inch and eight-inch diameter lines will cost $2.3 million. The project is about 85 percent finished. Water shutdowns have been scheduled in July to allow for the continuation of the work.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County began the rehabilitation of the Lower Powder Mill Sewer Interceptor in April 2021. The line is 5,535 feet long and the project is expected to take more than a year. The estimated cost is $4,625,368 and the project is about 92 percent finished—much of the relining has been completed.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County is replacing an old 16-inch diameter water main on Washington Boulevard between Clark Boulevard and the CSX railroad tracks that has been prone to breaking. The project (1,200 feet of new pipe) is about 95 percent complete. The old pipe dates from 1950. The new pipe will cost $400,000.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County is investing $4,627,585 to improve the sewer system from Liberty Road to Gwynndale Avenue. Work began in September 2019 and is about 95 percent complete. Work is currently on hold until the Lower Powder Mill project is completed, releasing construction crews to complete road work.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Development Meetings include Community Input, Concept Plan, County Review, Development Review Committee and Hearing Officers Hearings. These meetings are up-to-date as of the publication of this newsletter and subject to change.
Information: Call 410-887-3321.
There are no Development Meetings scheduled at the time of publication of this newsletter. Please visit the Development Management Calendar for changes in District 1.
Zoning Hearings include Special Exceptions, Variances and other issues before the Office of Administrative Hearings of Baltimore County. These hearings are up-to-date as of the publication of this newsletter and subject to change.
Information: Call the Office of Administrative Law Judges at 410-887-3868 or Zoning Review at 410-887-3391.
Zoning Hearings—2025 Monumental Road
Date and Time: Monday, July 18, 10 to 11 a.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0108-SPHA
Location: North side of Monumental Road, 131 feet southeast of Lincoln Avenue
Legal Owners: Mara Evangelical Church
Special Hearing to approve a site plan for a new church or other building for religious worship in accordance with Section 500.7, pursuant to: i. Article B, 1B01.1(A)(3), and 1B01.1(A)(18) b. To approve reduction or waiver of the 100 foot Residential Transition Area (RTA) for the proposed church building with accessory parking lot and signage which uses are permitted as of right, pursuant to 1B01.1(A).
Variances from the RTA regulations pursuant to 1B01.1(B)(1)(c)(2), specifically: a. To permit a minimum 40-foot RTA buffer for the church building in lieu of 100 feet, and b. To permit a minimum 14-foot RTA buffer and 14-foot setback for the church parking lot in lieu of the 50-foot RTA buffer and 75-foot setback outlined in 1B01.1(B)(1)(e)(2), and/or all such other and further relief as the nature of the development may require and/or that may be granted pursuant to the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 2307 531 2978.
Join the meeting online.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391 or email paizoning@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Zoning Hearings—206 Bloomsbury Avenue
Date and Time: Tuesday, July 19, 10 to 11 a.m.
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0109-SPHA
Location: West side of Bloomsbury Avenue, north of Cinnamon Tree Court
Legal Owners: Reid and Amanda Fountain
Special Hearing to allow the proposed addition to be used as an accessory in-law apartment.
Variance to allow a side yard addition with a side setback of seven feet and a combined sum of side yard setback of 39 feet in lieu of the minimum required 15 feet and 40 feet, respectively.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 2303 173 8056.
Join the meeting online.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391 or email paizoning@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Zoning Hearings—6211 Frederick Road
Date and Time: Monday, July 25, 11 a.m. to noon
Meeting Location: Virtual Webex Meeting
Case Number: 2022-0121-SPH
Location: Located on the south side of Frederick Road, west of Cherrydell Avenue
Legal Owner: Jose Mondragon
Special Hearing for nonconforming use of a three-family dwelling; for any such further relief as the nature of this cause may require.
You may join the meeting online or by phone. To call in to the hearing, dial U.S. toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 2312 846 4708.
Join the meeting online.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391 or email paizoning@baltimorecountymd.gov.