April 1, 2024 – Council District 1
- EPS Variances
- Planning Board Meetings
- Planning Board Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Work Session for Council Districts 1 and 2
- Design Review Panel Meeting
- Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board Meeting
- Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting
- Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
- Woodlawn Village Streetscape Improvements Community Engagement Meeting
- Earth Day Festival
- Diageo Facility Siphon Replacement
- Sewer Rehabilitation in Catonsville, Basin 10
- Sewer Rehabilitation in Catonsville, Patapsco Basin 7
- Woodwind Sewage Pumping Station Rehabilitation
- Catonsville Water Pumping Station Rehabilitation
- Forest Drive Storm Drain Improvements
- Development Meetings and Zoning Hearings
EPS Variances
The Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS) publishes a list of the environmental administrative variance requests along with their status. The requests are listed by County Council District.
Information: EPS Variances for District 1
Planning Board Meetings
The board will meet virtually through Webex as follows:
- Thursday, April 4, at 4 p.m.
- Thursday, April 18, at 4 p.m.
Please check the Planning Board page for the meeting agenda, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Taylor Bensley by phone at 410-887-3482 or by email at tbensley@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Planning Board Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Work Session for Council Districts 1 and 2
The Planning Board will meet virtually via Webex on Tuesday, April 9, at 5:30 p.m. for a work session to deliberate their recommendations on Comprehensive Zoning Map Process issues in Council Districts 1 and 2. The work session is open to the public; however, no public input will be heard during work sessions. Please check the Planning Board page for the link to the virtual meeting and any last minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Taylor Bensley by phone at 410-887-3482 or by email at tbensley@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Design Review Panel Meeting
The panel will meet virtually on Wednesday, April 10, at 6 p.m. through Webex. Please check the Design Review Panel page for the meeting agenda, a link to the meeting, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Jenifer Nugent by phone at 410-887-3480 or by email at jnugent@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board Meeting
The advisory board will meet in-person on Wednesday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agriculture, 1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030. Please check the Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board page for the meeting agenda, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Land Preservation staff by phone at 410-887-3480 or by email at landpres@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting
The commission will meet virtually on Thursday, April 11, at 6 p.m. through Webex. Please check the Landmarks Preservation Commission page for the meeting agenda, a link to the meeting, meeting procedures and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Historic Preservation staff by phone at 410-887-3495 or by email at histpres@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Recreation and Parks Board Meeting
The Board of Recreation and Parks will meet on Wednesday, April 17, at 6 p.m. at the Randallstown Community Center, 3505 Resource Drive, Randallstown, Maryland 21133. Please check the Board of Recreation and Parks page for the meeting agenda and any last-minute schedule changes.
Information: Contact Lisa Winters by phone at 410-887-3810 or by email at lwinters@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Woodlawn Village Streetscape Improvements Community Engagement Meeting
Baltimore County has allocated funds through the federal American Rescue Plan Act for streetscape improvements on County streets and roads. The Department of Planning has identified two areas—Woodlawn Village and the 500 and 600 blocks of Eastern Boulevard—as priority areas for visual appeal, function and safety enhancements.
Join the Department of Planning at the Woodlawn Library, 1811 Woodlawn Drive, Gwynn Oak, Maryland 21207, on Wednesday, April 17, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., to offer input on streetscape improvements for Woodlawn Village. Targeted streets include areas within the Commercial Revitalization District: 2100 block of Gwynn Oak Avenue and parts of the 2000 block of Gwynn Oak Avenue; 6300 and 6400 blocks of Windsor Mill Road; and part of the 2000 block of Englewood Avenue. Streetscape improvements may include pedestrian improvements, street lighting, landscaping, street furniture, bike racks, traffic safety and more.
Information: Browse the Woodlawn Village and Essex Streetscape Improvements website, or contact Domenico Romeo by phone at 410-887-3480 or by email at dromeo@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Earth Day Festival
The Department of Recreation and Parks will host an Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 20, at 10 a.m., at the Baltimore County Agricultural Center and Farm Park. In addition to music, join us for food and drink, vendors, 4H animals, and more. Admission is free. Please register.
Diageo Facility Siphon Replacement
Crews have begun construction on the Diageo Facility Siphon—a major repair to the wastewater system at the Guinness Brewery and Taproom in Halethorpe. Work on the $5.3 million project began in March 2023. The siphon will carry the effluent under Herbert Run. The project is 80 percent complete.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Sewer Rehabilitation in Catonsville, Basin 10
Baltimore County is rehabilitating more than 60,000 feet of sanitary sewer line in Catonsville. Work started in August 2021 and is about 99 percent complete. The main lines have been completed and crews continue to vacuum test manholes. The cleaning and lining project will cost $4 million.
Information: Call the Bureau of Engineering and Construction at 410-887-3531.
Sewer Rehabilitation in Catonsville, Patapsco Basin 7
Baltimore County is rehabilitating more than 73,000 feet of sanitary sewer line in Catonsville. The cleaning and lining project will cost $4,989,140. Work, which is 45 percent complete, started in May and is scheduled to be completed in the summer.
Information: Call the Bureau of Engineering and Construction at 410-887-3531.
Woodwind Sewage Pumping Station Rehabilitation
Baltimore County is renovating the Woodwind Sewage Pumping Station. The contractor has mobilized on site and has begun excavating for the new work. The project is 35 percent complete. The cost is $860,000.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Catonsville Water Pumping Station Rehabilitation
Baltimore County is renovating the Catonsville Water Pumping Station. It's 40 percent complete. The cost is $16.4 million.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Forest Drive Storm Drain Improvements
The Department of Public Works and Transportation will begin storm drainage upgrades on Forest Drive in Catonsville. The work is scheduled to begin this spring. The project will take three months to complete at a cost of $313,328. Expect minor traffic disruptions in the community during construction. Working hours will be 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Information: Email engineering@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Development Meetings and Zoning Hearings
Development Meetings include Community Input, Concept Plan, County Review, Development Review Committee and Hearing Officers Hearings.
Zoning Hearings include Special Exceptions, Variances and other issues before the Office of Administrative Hearings of Baltimore County.
These meetings are virtual through Webex.
Please check the Development, Zoning Hearings and Meetings Calendar for links to the meetings, information on participating in the virtual meeting, the meeting agendas and any last-minute schedule changes.
For further information, please call the Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections at 410-887-3391 or email paizoning@baltimorecountymd.gov. You may also contact the Office of Administrative Hearings at 410-887-3868.