Digital Equity and Broadband Plan

Digital equity is necessary for civic and cultural participation, employment, lifelong learning and access to essential services. Baltimore County is committed to providing reliable and affordable access to broadband technologies and the skills to use them. Our efforts will supplement funding initiatives for affordable broadband services with Countywide technology training to ensure our citizens can take full advantage of the services that we provide.
Affordability, digital education and serviceability are the three aspects of digital equity that lay the foundation for good government and "bridging the digital divide." Baltimore County is developing a two to three-year digital equity plan that addresses these aspects. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is leading a Digital Divide Committee that includes members from various County agencies to review best practices and initiatives of all groups. This includes public and private funding to help reduce the digital divide.
Many residents do not have the ability to afford the monthly costs of broadband service. There are several affordable solutions that are available via County, State and Federal partnerships that subsidize cost for those most in need.
Digital Education
County programs are available that will help provide technical skills training and equipment to residents in need of assistance in accessing and navigating our digital world.
The County is working on regulations in the County code, as well as funding of build out via Federal and State grants, to ensure residents in the northern area of the County can receive a reliable and quality broadband service.