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Public deliberations and hearings will now be livestreamed using Webex. Meeting links will be posted on our calendar the day before the hearing or deliberation. Anyone who wishes to present written testimony or exhibits must submit evidence at least 48 hours in advance, either by email to appealsboard@baltimorecountymd.gov, or by mail or in person. There is a box in the lobby of the Jefferson Building for hand deliveries.
If Baltimore County Government offices are closed as announced on radio or TV stations, all hearings and public deliberations are automatically canceled and rescheduled at the earliest possible date.
If Baltimore County Government offices announce a delayed opening on radio or TV stations, any deliberations or hearings scheduled prior to opening will be postponed and rescheduled to the earliest possible date. Any deliberations or hearings scheduled after the opening time will go forward as assigned.
If Baltimore County Government offices are open, then the hearings and public deliberations scheduled before the Board of Appeals will go forward as assigned.
Please contact the Board of Appeals at 410-887-3180 for any questions you may have regarding the above. Every effort will be made to answer your call or to update the outgoing voice mail message to reflect the current status of hearings before the Board of Appeals.