January 14, 2022 Baltimore County

Following five years of the efforts by the Baltimore County Department of Planning, residents, advocates, and business owners in the Pikesville community, the Baltimore County Council unanimously voted to adopt the Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan as an amendment to the Baltimore County Master Plan 2020.

Led by Baltimore County Community Planner Bill Skibinski, the Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan will replace the 2003 Pikesville Revitalization Plan Update.

The Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan takes a practical and reasonable approach to addressing the long-standing issues in the Pikesville Commercial Revitalization District (CRD). The Pikesville community was actively engaged throughout the plan’s development process, providing substantial input that ultimately shaped the plan. Several community input meetings and exercises were conducted o hear what the community had to say. Additionally, the community provided substantial feedback on various drafts of the plan.

The Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan represents the community’s vision, while also providing a detailed guide to accomplishing revitalization goals and making the vision a reality.

As part of the next steps, the Pikesville community will be actively engaged to participate in the revitalization process and  in cooperation with Baltimore County Government and the Greater Baltimore Chamber of Commerce.

For more information on the planning process and to view the Pikesville Revitalization Action Plan, please visit https://baltimore-county-community-planning-bc-gis.hub.arcgis.com/pages/pikesville-commercial-revitalization-action-plan.