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Approved Bills - 2011 Session

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Bill 1-11    Speed Monitoring System

Bill 2-11    Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee

Bill 3-11    Development Regulations - Community Input Meeting

Bill 4-11    Pressurized Spray Paint Can - Penalty

Bill 6-11    Solicitation of Donations

Bill 7-11    Supplemental Death in Volunteer Service Benefit

Bill 8-11    CEB - Brief Strategic Family Therapy Program

Bill 9-11    CEB - Violence Against Women (VOCA) Court Advocate Grant

Bill 10-11  Planned Unit Development - Concept Plan

Bill 12-11    CEB - Transportation Capital

Bill 14-11    CEB - Tuberculosis Control Grant

Bill 15-11    2011 Basic Services Maps

Bill 16-11    Hucksters and Peddlers

Bill 17-11    Bond Ordinance

Bill 18-11    CEB - Minority Infant Mortality Reduction Demonstration Project

Bill 19-11    CEB - Maryland Cancer Fund Treatment Program

Bill 20-11    Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation

Bill 21-11    Hunting

Bill 22-11    Development Regulations - Required Development Plan Information

Bill 23-11    Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance

Bill 24-11    Property Tax Rate

Bill 25-11    Personnel Law of Baltimore County

Bill 26-11    CEB - General Fund - Department of Public Works

Bill 27-11    CEB - Dislocated Worker Grant/Central Office Grant

Bill 28-11    CEB - Business Service Unit Grant/Central Office Grant

Bill 29-11    False Alarms - Correction

Bill 30-11    Parking

Bill 31-11    CEB - Maryland Business Works

Bill 32-11    CEB - Workforce Investment Act Program

Bill 33-11    CEB - RiskMAP Studies and Coordinated Needs Mapping Strategy (CNMS)

Bill 34-11    CEB - Growing Home Campaign

Bill 35-11    CEB - FFY 08 HSGP UASI - Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Bill 36-11    Planned Unit Developments

Bill 37-11    Public Business

Bill 38-11    Towson Business Core Development

Bill 39-11    Electricity Tax - Manufacturer Rate - Tariff T

Bill 40-11    CEB - HUD - Supportive Housing Program (SHP)

Bill 41-11    Government Reorganization - Department of Health and Human Services

Bill 43-11     Employees Retirement System - Contributions and DROP

Bill 44-11    CEB - MD State Highway Administration Highway Safety Office/MD Institute of Emergency Medical Services System - Operational Supplies

Bill 45-11    Zoning Regulations - Parking Requirements

Bill 46-11    Code of County Regulations

Bill 48-11    Zoning Regulations - Farmer's Roadside Stand

Bill 49-11    Zoning Regulations - Accessory Apartments

Bill 50-11   Final Landmarks List

Bill 51-11   CEB- Fund for Social Welfare (FFSW)

Bill 52-11   CEB- AIDS Case Management

Bill 53-11   Maryland Children’s Health Program

Bill 54-11   CEB - Body Armor Replacement Grant

Bill 55-11   Government Reorganization - Department of Planning

Bill 56-11   Zoning Regulations - Tattoo Establishments

Bill 57-11   Capital Budget - Waterway Improvement Program

Bill 58-11   CEB - Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) Juvenile Drug Court Grant

Bill 59-11    Revision of Councilmanic Districts

Bill 60-11    Zoning Regulations - Special Regulations for Certain Restaurants and Taverns in B.L.R. Zones

Bill 61-11    CEB - Community Care Program

Bill 62-11    CEB - Affordable Care Act Grant for School-Based Health Centers Capital Program

Bill 63-11    CEB - DHMH Lab Project

Bill 64-11    PUD Application - Community Benefit

Bill 65-11    Zoning Regulations - Signs

Bill 66-11    Dispute Resolution Procedures - Binding Arbitration

Bill 67-11    Employees Retirement System - Retirement Incentive Program

Bill 68-11    Zoning Regulations - Regulations for New Churches Constructed in B.R. Zone

Bill 69-11    Conditional Purchase Agreement - Single Stream Recycling Facility

Bill 70-11    CEB - Economic Development Revolving Financing Fund

Bill 71-11    Zoning Regulations - Condominium Regimes

Bill 72-11    CEB - Violence Exposure Assessment Tool (VEAT)

Bill 73-11    Taxicab License - Display

Bill 74-11    Zoning Regulations - Signs

Bill 75-11    Ethics Law Amendments

Bill 76-11    CEB - SHA - Underage Drinking Prevention Project

Bill 77-11    CEB - START Program Coordinator

Bill 78-11    CEB - Workforce Investment Act - Youth

Bill 79-11    CEB - Local Management Board Local Access Plan

Bill 80-11    CEB - Child Advocacy Center

Revised February 7, 2012

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